What’s Your Style?
Post date: Mar 23, 2015 9:08:25 AM
By Mr. Roylan T. Dela Cruz
Teacher III-BNHS
Did you experience exploring different styles to make our teaching and learning more effective? Whether we like it or not, learning is measured to the outcome of our teaching. At the end of the day we asked ourselves if our students learned from us. What about the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) whenever we give a summative test? Is it just passing score or more than that?
There are many ways to teach. Do we lecture our students, demonstrate exercises or have our students work in groups? The way we teach can be analyzed into different teaching styles.
Here is simple breakdown of each style and how it can be utilized in the classroom:
Formal Authority. This style is used for lectures. The teacher gives the information and the students receive it. There is no participation among the students. The material is not meant to be analyzed or discussed but is offered as fact. In this style the students are not given an opportunity to think deeply. They are spoon fed by their teachers so the students go to school without any preparation because they know everything will be discussed by their teachers. The learning on the part of the students are minimal therefore there is no mastery of the lesson.
Demonstrator. The teacher demonstrates and the students observe and participate in the class. The teacher is still the source of information but the students have an opportunity to be more involved in the process. This is better than the first one since students are given the opportunity to get involved and participate in the given discussion.
Facilitator. The teacher focuses on activities in which the students are working in partners or groups. This is more students centered with the students solving problems and making discoveries. The teacher encourages, helps and guides the students towards their given task or goal. This is the best style since students are the one who solve and discover the given task or goal. The students can used their experiences as springboard to solve the given task or do what is required of them to do.
Which among the above mentioned styles is yours? Have you tried all these styles? Which do you think is most effective?
I think acted as facilitator is the most effective. In this style of acting as facilitator, the learners would be able to remember, apply, analyze, judge and create different activities based on their experiences. In so doing, maximum learning is attained.