A Child- Friendly Learning Environment
Maria Jovita Basilio Singzon, Principal I
M.P. Cuaderno Sr. Memorial Elementary School
Date posted: September 6, 2019 | 1:47 PMClassroom environment is one of the main factors affecting students’ learning process. An environment that provides clear learning goals, opportunities to build social skills, and effective teaching strategies, can help students’ success. It is the idea of teachers being influential for students’ growth and behavior. The way how the teachers manage the classroom should lead to a positive environment rather than a destructive one that is not beneficial to learning.
Students and teachers must have fun and enjoyment inside their classroom. There are certain things that we can do in order to make this happen. One is to establish clear classroom rules with the students where they are allowed to voice their sentiments and can have choices in matters that concern them. Involve them in forming class rules for them to know their boundaries. In this way you can act as a facilitator but at the same time you are making them leaders in their own classroom as well. Talk about these rules as you make them to further understand why it exists. Post these rules to a place where the students can often see it to remind them of not getting into trouble. If a student breaks the rules, it is better to explain what they have done wrong instead of scolding them. Try not to become volatile or irritated, since this also has an impact to your behavior and to your relationship with the students. In doing so it will create opportunities for students to build their confidence and capacity to speak up and help them to be involved in decisionmaking that has a big impact with their learning process.
Set good examples to your students. As a teacher, you are more than just an educational role model, you are an example. By being positive and jolly yourself, you will encourage your students to do the same. As a matter of fact, students tend to mimic the behavior of their teachers specially in following rules and regulations inside school premises.
Another thing is giving rewards. Providing rewards is a better option. Additional points during recitation or just a simple compliment will do and is of big help. Students are more motivated whenever they received such treatment. Moreover, it can help them boost their self-esteem. Never compare students to one another for it will give them a feeling of damage in the personal and academic growth. Express positivity about each of your students’ capabilities.
A classroom is a sanctuary for students who are living with adversity. It is also a place that prepares them for the future. For instance, students can design their own classroom including desks and wall space to facilitate collaboration, discussion, and individual work. This type of environment fosters a sense of belongingness.
There are difficulties that classroom teachers are dealing with every day. However, we can always choose to be at the right track. It is our own choice if we can make or unmake students. Let us establish good rapport. Their future lies on our effort to make them better individuals.
Lastly, we must know how to control our temper before controlling our students. Remember that positive classroom behavior always starts with us.