Post date: May 9, 2011 12:44:21 AM
By: Violeta M. Mena
Principal, M. Delos Reyes Memorial Elementary School (Annex)
I consider teaching a passion and I can trace my being a passionate teacher to this belief of mine. Being a passionate teacher all these years of my teaching career, I can say that the strength and wisdom that I have every time I am in front of children can be traced from the word of God… Philippians 1:20 “My deep desire and hope is that I shall never fail in my duty, but that at all times and especially right now, I shall be full of courage, so that I will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die.”
May I, therefore, share with the teachers out there especially to new ones the qualities a passionate teacher should possess, and check if you have them; here:
1. A passionate teacher is not averse to learning and exploring new things that he/she can offer to his pupils.
2. A passionate teacher strives hard to keep abreast of new ideas and teaching techniques and methodology that will contribute to greater learning.
3. A passionate teacher exhibits enthusiasm and offers himself or herself as a model of a tireless and eager learner.
4. A passionate teacher does not fear change, wherein he/she welcomes change as a challenge.
5. A passionate teacher will not limit himself or herself to what he or she already knows but makes it a point to learn more each day.
6. A passionate teacher surely inspires children, as if they can feel that they are secure and well provided with the ideas they need.