The Greatest Instructional Material
Post date: May 10, 2013 1:28:41 AM
By: Dr. Merlinda T. Tablan
Public Schools District Supervisor
Children learn best when they are exposed to different learning materials, activities and experiences. This is the big reason why the schools are continuously provided with learning and teaching materials by the IMCS. The printed materials, teaching aids like equipments, tools, gadgets and even electronic materials are being provided just to facilitate teaching-learning activities and attain quality education.
However, there are schools which have not yet attained their target achievement level due to the many factors.
The learner-centered education is at the helm of our practices. It is the holistic development of the child which is a main concern of the educational system. Thus, they need all the support of the community to provide opportunities for their holistic development. Still, it is the teacher who is primarily concerned on this matter. Teachers nowadays are challenged to be more vigilant in upgrading their KSAs. The times call for a teacher to be technologically-adept, versatile, dynamic, sensitive to human nature, a step ahead of the recent developments in order to provide what is expected of them by the learners. After all, one cannot give what he doesn't have.
It is truly inspiring to see a teacher who is competent in his job and ably performing his tasks in order to produce learners who are equipped with the competencies expected of them. The quality time, effort and sometimes, money, the teacher is willing to invest on them. Truly, the salary of a teacher is not that catching but the individuals who are molded by the teacher will determine the kind of society we have. No material wealth comes from teaching but the fulfillment of having contributed productive citizens for the country’s progress is priceless. Teaching is a noble profession and teachers are noble.
Unfortunately, the department is continuously being bombarded with disgusto, mainly because of the inadequacies in public schools. There might be inadequacies in the field yet it is inspiring to note that there are still living heroes in the person of some teachers who are willing to give their best of time, effort and finances for the good of their pupils.
Kudos and keep up the good job, dear teachers!