Transitional Experiences of Leaners from Homeschool to Face to Face

Sarah D. Enriquez

School Clerk - Cataning Elementary School

We all know that the Department of Education had spearheaded the change of learning from home schooling caused by modular and online learning down to actual in person classes which is also known as face-to-face classes. With this in mind, it had brought the educational system in a different arena that highlights improved learning practices under the pandemic crisis COVID 19.

The intermediate experiences of learners from homeschooling to face to face classes is an important best practice that needs an immediate attention which allowed the Department of Education to address learning losses better as compared to any other time or situation caused by the pandemic crisis COVID 19. It had provided opportunities to develop new and advanced practices that serves as an intervention to learning losses which can only be effectively done through face-to-face classes. To ensure effective implementation of programs and activities for learners under face-to-face classes. Moreover, there should be gathering of information from the implementers and learners to clearly describe the transitional experiences of learners from homeschool to face to face. It is utilized as a vital information that serves as a basis for the actual implementation of programs and activities centered in face-to-face classes.

Furthermore, feedback from the changeover experiences of learners should be tagged as a valuable information that enhances intervention under teaching and learning experiences. Feedback can come from the observation gathered by the teachers and learner from the intermediate experiences of the learners. After the changeover experiences it will be carefully assessed and interpret to be able to drawn data that could serve as a basis for the future programs and activities that will uplift the academic performances of the learners.

Notably, often times transitional experiences may be correlated to hard work and complicated transition of new practices for the entire stakeholders. However, it may cause and create beautiful turn of improvement and chances of affecting the educational system of the Philippines from a brand new normal learning opportunities and chances to better serve the learners of the Philippines.

Transitional Experiences of learners from Homeschooling to actual face to face classes is indeed a necessary step in order to create globally competitive learners and provide education that often times we can only find in our school.