Post date: Jul 10, 2017 8:15:29 AM


Research has indicated that the use of Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.) can support new instructional approaches and make hard-to-implement instructional methods such as simulation or cooperative learning more feasible; thus, contributing to improve student learning outcomes and effectiveness. However, the breadth and complexity of ICT requires the development of a set of standards in integrating it into the curriculum for K-12 schools in the Philippines, ensuring the adoption of a common reference tool and a defined framework for national testing.

Specifically, a common set of standards for the ICT implementation would be important for the following:

  1. For schools, standards would provide a focus for developing new ways to organize curriculum content, instructional programs and assessment plans.
  2. For the teachers, standards will help them design curriculum, instruction and assessment on the basis of what is important to learn. They also enable teachers to make expectations clear to students, which improves their learning.
  3. For students, standards set clear performance expectations, helping them understand what they need to do in order to meet the standards.

If properly designed and implemented, ICT can promote the acquisition of the knowledge and skills that will empower students for lifelong learning. When used appropriately, ICTs, especially computers and Internet technologies, enable new ways of teaching and learning rather than simply allow teachers and students to do what they have done before in a better way. It is therefore important that the process of integrating standards into the curriculum should emphasize learning and growth for all as the natural and desired outcome of reform in the schools. Consisting with the above, the process should consider the following steps:

a. Development of a curriculum framework in the context of standards-based reform;

b. Selection of a curriculum-planning model that further articulates the standards-based reform outlined in the framework;

c. Building a capacity at all levels of the educational system; and

d. Continuous monitoring, Assessment and evaluation of the curriculum as teachers implement it in the classroom.