Post date: Jun 30, 2017 3:38:21 AM

By Benjamin Joseph B. Lomibao

As what Jiddu Krishnamurti said,“So when you are listening to somebody completely attentively, then you are listening not only to the words, but also to the feeling of what is being conveyed to the whole of it not part of it”.

One day, the faculty members called my attention about one of my students needing assistance. That particular student was having difficulty of breathing. I went to see my student right of the batt to check how she is doing. The medics reported that no manifestations nor signs of physiological problem can be seen based from their initial assessment but rather they concluded that it is more of psychological problem and stress. The medics left and let me do the other errands which includes watching over my student. I sat down with my student while waiting for her mother to pick her up. I talked to her and had a small talk and asked what the problem is? As she started talking while sobbing, she said that she is being bullied by her classmates. She also feels that they think she’s grossed. The conversation went a little deeper until she mentioned that her father does not want to go home to them anymore. She concludes that their family is at the peak of being broken. I paused for a bit as I contemplate what could I do to help her out as an adviser. I realized that moment that there is a vast distance between my students and me all this time because I don’t know the story behind their smiles and tears.

I started thinking of the possible cause why often times we cannot reach our students with our understanding and patience behind their actions. I think over the experiences I have as a Teacher and the recent experience I had with my student who confessed her story to me. I had an epiphany and found out that the missing link is listening. Byan H. McGill said “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what other has to say”. As we extend our ears to our students, we also extend our hands to them which open the gate for us to understand them more.

As we define listening in a broader perspective, listening means taking a second to consider what they are saying, not just hearing their words. It means being open, receptive and willing to accept whatever they would have to say. When people talk, listen completely because most people never listen as we do so we can build bridges instead of walls.

Listening is an art which requires effort and sincere heart. Stephen R. Covey quoted that most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply. When we listen we could give the most correct response that we could possibly give to someone. When we counsel our students, we could put authority and love to what we are about to tell them. We are guided by the information we gather from them. We can find solutions to the answers we want for our students. The world is giving us answers each day as we learn to listen. Listening is the secret to discover great stories. When we talk we are not only repeating what we already know but when we listen, we also learn something new.

Believing in the power of listening is vital, thus is, allows us to be a more effective teacher who teaches, guides and leads our students to a better path.