Ripples of Encouragement

Post date: Mar 18, 2014 5:31:50 AM



The Bible emphasizes the importance of giving encouragement to others: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up. Just as in fact you are doing.” and “let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

The duties and responsibilities of the teachers are so vast and complicated. We can make and unmake our pupils. We can also be their reason why they hate schools or formal-setting in acquiring knowledge.

Why should we encourage our pupils? Remember, our simple words can bring out the full potential of more or less 50 pupils in our classroom every day and if they are spurred to strive harder to excellence. They can also create ripples of encouragement which can amass individuals who are useful and productive in their own way.

A classroom that fails to give encouragement produces cynical and mediocre citizens. It can stifle a sense of being whereas, the pupils who are nurtured through constant praise and encouragement grow up to be so confident and trustworthy. If you have been in the service for a decade or two, you’ll experience being visited by former pupils whose lives you have touched. They come and extend their gratitude for making them special when they were in your classroom.

Let us create good memories in the lives of our pupils after all, this is the essence of our nobility. Teachers really are the front liners in pushing the city to be World Class University Town that Mayor Joet has been aiming in 2020. Besides, our Christian calling asks us to share good deeds by inspiring others.

Let us be generous to offer compliments and encouragement. Let us bear in mind that we live for others and we can either be a burden or a blessing so, while we are still able, let us learn to share what we have. Hence, let us ensure that the person we are praising deserves receiving our compliments. Otherwise, we may lose its encouraging power for tossing it freely or worst, when it made the person haughty for having a bloated ego for praises he doesn’t deserve. Give y our compliment with a purpose and valid reason for doing so.