Utilization of Khan Academy in Teaching Mathematics
Post date: Oct 25, 2017 2:16:28 PM
By: Christina C. Jaime
According to Minocha, one of the most important reasons why children dislike Math is because our methods of teaching do not involve fun and lack of stimulation. That’s the reason why children thought that Math class is boring. Furthermore, Chris Ozarka believed that many students “dislike” Math because they think that they will never need a particular algorithm or equation outside of school. They viewed Math as a class where they are only required solving and calculating of math problems.
Ozarka stated that lecturing to an entire class assumes that all students equally understand the content. Thus, it does not provide a lot of opportunities for students to motivate. Videos are a great alternative to lecturing and provide an excellent medium for students to utilize self-pacing of learning.
Khan Academy offers thousands of videos that are always available to use. It is a non-profit educational organization that provides free videos, tutorials and interactive exercises. It was founded by Salman Khan, a financial analyst, in 2004. Salman Khan has a simple mission: a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. With the free access of internet at school, Khan Academy can be used alternative to lecturing since Khan Academy not only provides free videos or tutorials but the website also has other features. Particularly, the site provides an endless bank of interactive exercises on core math skills as well as other content areas. The site also has game-like elements which engage the students in math.
Khan Academy also promotes easier way of teaching and learning. It is less in lecturing and motivates students to learn. It can be used to all kind of learners as long as they have a free access to internet. Based on Richard Adams, in a classroom setting that utilize Khan Academy, students can move on their own pace, and make repeated viewings of tutorials if they don't understand the first time around. The teachers can track progress on their own computer or laptop, and intervene to give an explanation when they detect a student who is struggling.
Today, positive feedbacks have been airing the educational society towards the use of Khan Academy. As a result, more and more schools all over the world use Khan Academy as an alternative if not the main method on teaching Mathematics particularly in young students. It is more adapted by the tertiary and secondary level.
Here in City of Balanga, Mayor Francis Garcia has been eagerly promoting Khan Academy to be used in public schools in teaching Mathematics and Science. Khan Academy with some touch of our improvisations that suit our students’ needs; will make it a lot easier to achieve our aim especially for subjects like Math.