Post date: Jun 7, 2011 6:58:03 AM

By: Wylen M. Ariño

Every year, the Alternative Learning System conducts Accreditation and Equivalency Test (A&E) to all out-of-school youth and adult. (OSY-OSA). This is an opportunity to all less fortunate who cannot afford to continue their studies because of some reasons. Here in the Division of Balanga City, we are ready to serve those people to become productive members of their community. But before they would be allowed to take the acceleration test, they need to be already learned from their sessions.

This type of test includes multiple choices and essay writing. Those who will pass the test will automatically be registered to the A&E Test and serve as test takers. For those who will fail they will be given another chance as they continue to attend the learning sessions.

For the record, out of 255, 143 secondary level out-of-school youth passed the A&E Test. Also, out of 12, 8 or 67% elementary level test takers passed the same test making ALS Balanga City rank No.1 in Region III for three consecutive years; hence, our source of honor and pride.