Post date: Sep 22, 2015 6:35:26 AM

By: Renee Rose R. Malibiran

Every teacher manages a class. As such he is considered a manager. Being a person in authority the teacher uses management styles in teaching to make it effective for learning.

According to Hay-McBer there are six key management styles, to consider:

1. Directive – this style considers the manager as “do it the way I tell you!” It means all the things to be done inside the classroom are dictated by the teacher. The learners are closely controlled and motivated by threats and discipline.

2. Authoritative – this style has the primary objective of providing long-term direction and vision for learners. The teacher is a firm but fair manager and motivates the learners by persuasion and feedback on tasks they perform.

3. Affiliative – this style creates harmony among the learners and the teacher himself. The top priority is the learner and the task is a second concern. The teachers sees to it that conflicts among the learners are avoided and emphasizes good personal relationships. The main concern of the teacher is to keep the learners happy.

4. Participative – this style builds commitment and consensus among learners. Being a democratic style, learners are encouraged to give input in decision making and gives reward for team efforts.

5. Pacesetting – this style accomplishes tasks to a high standard of excellence. The teacher encourages the learners to do the tasks by themselves and motivates them to set high standards and expects self-direction in performing their tasks.

6. Coaching – this style is a long term developmental process that aims to develop the strengths and improve the performance of the learners.

Relative to previous experiences of teachers, it has been observed that teachers teaching the slow learners used the directive style of management since the learners do not have the capabilities to identify and know the tasks they need to do so, the teachers direct them on the activities to be done inside the classroom. Similarly, these teachers apply affiliative style to ensure that harmony will be established between him and the learners. It is very significant for slow learners to feel that they are being prioritized by their teachers. Lastly, coaching was likewise used because the teacher needs to develop continuously the performance of their learners.

For teachers who handle average learners, they applied the authoritative style because they know their learners need to be motivated and persuaded in doing their tasks. Accordingly, there were teachers who implement participative style because their learners are not capable of providing decision making, hence the teacher need to encourage them and give reward for efforts exerted in doing group activities.

Teachers who are assigned to teach fast learners used pacesetting because the learners possess divergent thinking which will enable them to accomplish the tasks with high standard of excellence. Since the learners are given the privilege to do the tasks by themselves, their creativity and self-esteem are enhanced.

Considering these six key management styles in teaching, which do you think is the best to use? The decision now is yours.

The teacher as the manager in his room needs to employ lots of management styles in his class to ensure effective learning to happen. No child left behind is always the goal as it is what the department envisions to achieve for our nation.

An eclectic management style is the key to manage the classroom well. The unique style of teacher transcends what famous theorists are suggesting.