K to 12 on Philippine Education
Post date: Feb 9, 2017 12:17:17 AM
Puerto Rivas Elementary School
It has already been years since the Department of Education mandated the implementation of K to 12 curriculum in our country. Since then, the different activitist groups raised their concerns to protest its enactment. In fact, there are at least five petitions in the Supreme Court preventing the application of K to 12 to our education system. Let us take a close look on the perks and perils of imposing K to 12 in the Philippine Education System.
First, people say that Philippines is not yet ready to a paradigm shift in our education system. We are used to only have 10 years of education. They say, that the implementation was too fast that Filipino families have not anticipated this to happen at a glance. In short, they have not adjusted their budget for additional two years of senior high school. This sudden twist has been tough to them especially to those whose plan is to acquire only until high school education. Well, we all know that when change is injected on status quo, there will always be a great resistance from other people.
Another thing, since there will be additional two years of education it is also sure that there will be classroom shortage. However, the Department of Education said that they are doing their best to address this problem. According to them, they address the classroom shortage from 66, 800 in 2010 to 86, 478 classrooms between 2010 to 2014.
Classroom shortage may also mean book shortage. However, this issue is no longer a surprise to everyone. Even before the government implemented the K to 12 in our education system, book shortage is already one of the existing problems in our schooling. And now, that two years has been added to high school, we cannot expect to not see this problem again knocking at every school’s door. There will still be book shortage especially in junior and senior high schools.
On the other hand, we cannot also deny that K to 12 has positive impacts not only to our children but also to our country as a whole. It contributes to the total transformation of the Philippines.
First, through this education reform our children become globally competitive. It is true that the Philippines will be the only country in Asia that has 10 years of education. While other countries are advancing and taking up the challenge of globalization, the Philippines is being left behind. In fact, if not implemented we are one of the three countries in the whole world that do not have this kind of education reform. K to 12 readies our youth to a more dynamic, diverse and challenging demand of industrialization.
More so, since the implementation of K to 12 the department of education hires 39 000 additional teachers. It opens new door to more Filipino teachers. Before, teachers here need to fly abroad just to find job because of lack in opportunity in their homeland, now the Philippines looks and demands for more Filipino teachers, a great economic boost to our country.
K to 12 also equips our children before allowing them to fight on the battleground of life. They learn and hone the necessary skills that will be their strength as they move forward in the next stage of education.
Indeed, K to 12 implementation in our country has both its flaws and strengths. But as Filipinos, what we need is something that would uplift our morale as people of a great nation. After all, education is not only for us but for our beloved country as well.
Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SL59WwO8BI
DepEd Order No. 31 S. 2012
DepEd Order No. 20 S. 2014