List of Examinees in the 2020 English Proficiency Test
This is to announce the Final List of teacher applicants in each testing room on the conduct of Computer Based English Proficiency Test (EPT) on August 17 and 18, 2020 at Bataan National High School (BNHS-SHS).
They should be at the testing center at exactly 7:00 AM for those scheduled in the morning session and 12:00 NN those scheduled in the afternoon session.
Kindly bring also valid ID/PRC and Health Declaration Form enclosed in the Div. Memo 161, s. 2020.
Moreover, this is to inform that all the teacher-applicants who already took the test last October 2019, will not be allowed to take the test this year, the validity is 2 years.
Please wear face mask/face shield to observe some protocols. No face mask/face shield No entry.
Regards and God bless.

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