People Behind The Scenes

by: Catherine V. Violeta

BNHS Non-Teaching Staff

Date posted: Feb. 21, 2019 | 4:45 PM

Most of the time, we forget that there are other people that are working behind the curtain. In films, we focus on the actors and blindside the writers and producers. Same goes in a school where we focus too much on the teachers that we often forget that they are not the only people making up our school’s community. In order for anything to function properly, there are smaller factions of this whole that does their own job to support the entire system.

The teaching staff is the most highlighted part of the school personnel. Most of us forgot that teachers are not the only vital part of the school but also the non-teaching staff as well. These non-teaching personnel who are often overlooked play an important role in the development and success of the school. Non-teaching personnel such as Administrative Officers, Book keepers, Disbursing Officers, Property Custodians, Registrars, Guidance Counselors, Administrative Aides, drivers, security and utility personnel have to be recognized due that each have their own function and part to make a school equality environment for students to learn. These non-teaching support staff are in-charge of other aspects in the school community. They should be acknowledged as well and be treated with the utmost respect. Without these people, who can ensure the safety of the students inside the school? Who would keep their records and make sure that they are in their best health? Who would guide them in their career and would help them with their problems? These are what our non-teaching staffs are for. Studying is not easy if the environment of our school is not good enough. And if you think less of these people because they are not teaching, then you are wrong. Their jobs are hard as everyone else’s. A school is not a school if there are no Guardsmen, Cafeteria, Managers, Nurses, Librarians, Counselors, Head Teachers and Principals.

A school will never be the same if you would exclude any one of these personnel. In order for the school to work properly, we need a couple of people with certain expertise to help nurture the school community. From now on, let us not blindside people who are part of a whole.